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The whole school community values the diverse nature of the school population and all children at some time in their education might need additional support in a particular area of their learning and understanding or in developing social and emotional skills.

Whatever the need we will ensure that through early identification and intervention an appropriate programme is provided with parental involvement at an early stage. This may simply be additional support in the classroom or could be a more structured programme such as Emotional Literacy Support, Precision Teaching and ‘Nessy’ which is a phonics programme linked to Read, Write Inc. Some children also receive speech and language therapy.

If your child is identified as having a Special Educational Need this will be discussed with you and we will draw up an Individual Support Plan (ISP) which will detail what support we are putting in place to address your child’s needs including any adaptations that we need to make to the curriculum, environment and teaching strategies to remove their barriers to learning. It will also say what additional support we are putting in place either through interventions or adult support in the classroom. We will also talk to you about how you can support your child at home. These ISPs are reviewed three times a year and these will be discussed and shared with you. Should your child require an Education, Health and Care plan following a number of ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ cycles of an ISP we will discuss this with you.

Our Communication and Interaction Needs Centre 

At Dovers Green we are privileged to have a specialist centre for children with communication and interaction needs (CoIN) which we call Butterflies. Whilst we are designated as a High CoIN, which means that we can meet the needs of children with significant and complex needs, there is the expectation that children will benefit from attending some mainstream classes and interaction with the children there but require additional specialist support. These opportunities to work alongside their peers in mainstream classes is arranged flexibly and according to individual needs.

Butterflies is a twenty three place Centre which is located in a purpose designed building which is adjacent to the playground. The building comprises a main teaching room, two smaller group rooms, one of which is used for therapies such as speech and language and occupational therapy and a calming room. This means that we can withdraw children to work on in a low distraction environment. There is also a covered outside learning space for the children giving access all year round. We are also using two portacabins whilst we are waiting for the completion of our new purpose built centre which is due to be completed in February 2025.

Entry into the Centre

Entry into any CoIN in Surrey is separate to admission into the mainstream school and is managed through Surrey SEN admissions. Children must have an Education, Health and Care Plan or be in the process of Formal Assessment. Your child’s SEND Case Officer will be able to offer further advice and support about the admission process.

The Curriculum

The children in the High CoIN follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the National Curriculum at an appropriate level. We follow the schemes of work in line with the mainstream school such as ‘White Rose Maths’ and ‘Read, Write Inc’ phonics at a slower pace and with small group teaching. Dovers Green is a Forest School and the Butterflies children participate in a session each week in our on-site woodland area. We go out in all weathers except high winds and thunderstorms! We have found that these sessions help to improve the children’s confidence and self-esteem, social and communication skills and develops their ability to try new experiences, use their own initiative and take risks in a safe and supported environment.


Butterflies is staffed by an experienced, dedicated and caring team of teachers and assistants who are well qualified to teach children with a range of special needs. Their expertise is shared with teachers and other adults working in the mainstream school and all staff at Dovers Green receives training to ensure they are able to support children with a special need.


We offer a comprehensive induction process for children entering Dovers Green which will be planned with parents and discussed with a child’s current teachers and assistants at their nursery school or playgroup, and will be adapted to the child’s individual need. Children will be invited to spend some time in the school during the second half of the summer term, where they can meet staff and other children. A photo book will be given to each child showing the different people they will meet and illustrating routines and different areas of the school. This will give you an opportunity to talk about and help prepare your child for their move to the new school.


A speech therapist and speech therapy assistant works alongside children in the classroom for a total of three days, providing advice and individual and group therapy sessions for children with speech, language and communication difficulties.

Dovers Green is well supported by health professionals such as doctors, physiotherapists and occupational therapists who help us to plan and implement programmes to promote the children’s physical development. Other outside professionals such as advisory teachers for visual, hearing and physical disabilities as well as educational psychologists are frequent visitors to the school and their input is invaluable in enabling us to fully meet the children’s needs.

Any specialist or adapted equipment can be provided to make the environment and curriculum as accessible as possible for all children. Information Communication Technology (ICT) is playing an increasingly important part in all our lives and is an invaluable tool for children with special educational needs. In addition to any personal computers provided for individual children, Butterflies has laptops and iPads in the classroom. Children in Butterflies also have access to our Sensory Room which provides a calm and relaxing environment which we have found increases their concentration, helps focus attention and improves social relationships and communication.

Assessment and Monitoring

Children in Butterflies have an EHCP which identifies the specific need of each child. Each term the SENCo meets with the class teacher to review and set targets to meet the child’s learning, social, emotional, behavioural and physical needs which will incorporate advice from any other professionals working with the child. These targets are added to an online progress tracking system. They inform planning for the child's learning and are evidenced, assessed and updated regularly through this programme.

Each year, a formal review of a child’s progress is held. All professionals who work with a child are invited to attend the review and discuss with parents and the school the progress that a child has made. If necessary, the review can recommend any changes that need to be made to a child’s EHCP in terms of provision, equipment or support.

Extra-Curricular Activities

There are before and after School Clubs at Dovers Green and if appropriate levels of staffing can be arranged, children from Butterflies are able to attend. A charge is made for this facility and more details can be obtained by contacting the School Office

There are also after- school clubs run both by school staff and external providers. Again, providing staff are available to support the children, they are welcome to attend.

Communication with Parents

We believe that effective partnership between home and school is vital. We recognise that parents of children with special educational needs may require additional contact and information concerning their child’s progress and well-being. Contact between home and school can be more problematic for Butterflies children because many of the children come to school by taxi. All children in the Centre therefore have a ‘Home School Contact Book’, which enables us to have daily contact with parents so that we can relay concerns, information and to celebrate achievement. Parents can also use the book to inform school of any information. All parents also have the opportunity to sign-up for ‘ParentMail’ which enables us to share newsletters and weekly information electronically.

A termly newsletter and half termly knowledge organiser tells parents the areas of learning the children will be covering so that they can actively support their child at home and talk about the learning in school. An online learning platform called ‘Seesaw’ allows teachers to communicate updates to parents on children’s learning.

The school has an open door policy and parents are welcome at any time. If parents require an opportunity to discuss issues in more detail, appointments can be arranged with one of the class teachers.

And finally…

We would strongly recommend that you visit the school, either with or without your child as a prospectus such as this can only serve as an introduction to the school. We welcome visits to the school and appointments can be made by contacting the school office on 01737 245 515.

The provision offered for our children with special educational needs is stated clearly in our Mainstream and CoIN Information Reports and Provision Maps. More detail can be found in the  Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice