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Every parent at Dovers Green is part of the Parent Teacher Association. The committee are a small group of parents who meet together, with input from the headteacher, to plan fund raising and social activities.

We are are very keen to raise money for the school and our children. We have lots of fun events for both the children and parents such as the Summer Fayre, quiz nights and much, much more.

We are very pleased to say that we have raised over £7500 since September 2023.

We have been able to purchase new phonics books and resources, support the school in the resources needed for a fantastic Creative Arts week, subsidise educational workshops and activities relating to Book Week. We have continued to provide for the Easter Egg hunt as well as sponsoring the Year 2 leavers disco and leavers treats and books.

As we previously shared, the plans to support the school in the development of a sensory garden have been put on hold with the building work, so our funds will be used to support the replacement of the outdoor play equipment and educational resources to support the development of the mixed classes in Yr 1 and 2.

If you would like to come to a meeting or know more please look out for posters around the school and in the dedicated noticeboard on Ladybirds external wall. Alternatively you can contact the PTA by email Many hands make light work so if you are prepared to help out don't hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.