The Aims of Our School
‘It is our aim at Dovers Green to create a happy, caring and inclusive learning environment where all members of the school community have an equal opportunity to develop in confidence and strive to continually improve within a setting in which they feel valued and equipped for the next steps on the road to lifelong learning.’
We will do this by:
- fostering respect for one another, the school environment and the local community.
- having high expectations at all times of both behaviour and achievement, praising success and valuing the unique contribution of each individual.
- teaching and emphasising the importance of values that underpin harmonious living in our society.
- striving to ensure equal opportunity for everyone, regardless of gender, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, beliefs and intellectual and physical ability.
- using a variety of teaching methods to deliver a broad, balanced and creative curriculum through high quality teaching together with the provision of rich learning experiences, guided by the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the National Curriculum.
- building on previous learning and providing learners with opportunities to engage in a range of practical and meaningful tasks that address different learning styles in the classroom as well as our outdoor environment including Forest School.
- encouraging ‘risk’ taking and helping learners to understand that making mistakes is part of the learning process.
- providing occasions for independent learning together with opportunities to communicate, to explore, to develop ideas and also work collaboratively.
- taking all opportunities to develop positive attitudes and dispositions towards learning.
endeavouring to develop positive home/school links and actively involving parents in the life and work of the school.
liaising and working with other local schools and the community as a whole to provide the very best learning experiences.
We are all special but we are all different.